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Blog Name Postcard from Provence
Category Bon vivant: fine wine, food and entertainment
Submitted Thursday October 5th 2006

Julian Merrow-Smith is a British painter living in Provence, posting a daily postcard-sized painting from Provence. He was recently featured in the New York Times, and descibed by Yahoo Picks as follows:

"Postcard From Provence. Want to spend a year in Provence, but don't have the money or vacation time? Allow the paintings of Julian Merrow-Smith to take you on a virtual journey. Through his near-daily posting of small oil paintings, you can measure the march of the seasons and light through the Provençal countryside. Winter brings portraits and indoor still life, spring months overflow with fruit and flowering landscapes, and summer's sea views and bright skies lead to the fiery colors of fall. After gazing at only six months' work, the luscious stills of food or the enveloping landscapes may send you to the grocery store or the nearest airline ticket counter. And if you must capture a piece of Provence to brighten a dusty little corner at home, each new painting is for sale?if you're quick enough to battle his email fan club. (in Visual Arts)"

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There are currently 2 reviews for this blog

Wednesday October 18th 2006 | Mig Living in Austria
A daily must for me. The only painting-a-day site I know of that actually posts a new painting every single day. And such fine ones, too.
Thursday October 12th 2006 | Katherine Tyrrell in England
"Painting a day" blogs are becoming an extremely popular way for artists to share and sell small works of art online. On my blog 'Making a Mark' I've got Julian Merrow Smith ranked alongside Duane Keiser as 'the original and the best'. Julian's work never fails to please and wherever you live in the world, having one of his small paintings dropping into your inbox brightens up your day. If you're not successful at bidding for an original (and the competition is very fierce!) then try doing what I did and opt for one of the prints instead!